“The album is kind of a recap of how I became who I am today, with all the good and the bad stuff, the imperfections, weirdness, madness, happiness, and love.”

Rebecca Cullen
An impressively modest and melodically hypnotic debut from Paul McCartney’s son James – Primrose Hill speaks volumes on behalf of an artist who has clearly found the essence of escapism that is the joy of true and uninhibited songwriting.
Featuring a pristine intertwining of delicate synths, a choir of breathy vocal layers and modest organic rhythms, This Life feels like a near-euphoric ode to the atmospheric musicality of eras past – as well as an inspiring and uplifting celebration of life and the world itself.
Born and raised in the Philippines, Jesse Posis now resides in Dubai, and brings to modern music a unique level of cultural and stylistic variety. His debut single depicts a clear passion for the escapism and rhythm of music, presenting a colourful guitar arrangement and equally optimistic vocals in keeping with an organic and familiar overall groove.
Monsters blends story and style in a way that’s frankly unrivalled right now. We’re in the artistic territory of early 2000s triphop and dark dance – the melodic appeal, the depth and weight of distortion and design, the conceptual detail and subtle riffs. Genre feels like a secondary aspect of what is ultimately an artistic encapsulation of mood and scene.
“Poetic expression is liberating. It frees the speaker, the listener, and the reader.”
Aviram Spies ensures the connection between title and experience. A work that perfectly encapsulates the implications of its name – On The Edge of an Endless Forest takes you to precisely the purity and vastness promised. The sound is that of a nostalgic movie-made classical realm, familiar but unpredictable, and softly spellbinding to let play and surround you.
Catchy synths reverberate for a disarming opening moment, before distorted warmth and rhythm present a wholly encompassing groove. Hannover’s Betweenzone always bring the professionalism and reliability to modern music.
Intertwine the pulsating bass and beat combo of Gotye with an intoxicating but subtle blend of jazz, trip hop and natural word ambience, and you’re almost on track to imagine the creative embrace of Koyla and Tensky’s Nomads.
Just seventeen years old and already carving out a classic but fresh sound as a modern producer. DJ Jan is set to close down this year’s Monster Energy Catalunya MotoGP Grand Prix, alongside a plethora of other noteworthy appearances to follow, and the sheer intensity and creative edge of TEC quite naturally highlights why.
Soaring nostalgic rock and roll of a crisp style and fast-paced energy – Stefski & Hutch deliver a unique twist on the timeless format, with the indie tones and subtle psychedelic twists of Selling Lies.
Country rock straight from the relatable depths of Liverpool – The UK’s own Liam Doherty masters the sound and style of the genre, and pairs that with brilliantly uplifting, catchy songwriting.