Inspired by their self-penned initiative of ‘Harmonizing Hearts, Elevating Souls’, Lynn and Jimmy Wolling create from a shared passion for songwriting and musicianship that stirs up deeply rooted emotions. The duo travel annually to India, to expand upon their classical instrumental abilities – the tabla and the sitar – and these experiences have played a huge role in shaping the sound of their act Strings of the Heart.

AmbientIndianIndian ClassicalInstrumentalNeo ClassicalNew AgeNew WaveSitar

Introducing a compelling collaborative project, an album uniting the depths of contemporary poetry with the limitless embrace of creative production. DJ Jace and R.K. Gandhi join forces to provoke and inspire, with the bold escapism and gripping topical implications of the Red Pill Rhymes Experience.

Hip HopPoetryProducerRapSpoken Word

Taking things back to the bare essentials now – a refreshing moment of quiet acoustic reflection. American songwriter Tommy Curtis delivers the intimacy of finger-picked guitar and a softly raspy, evocative voice, to guide us into the poetic and personal gratitude and contemplation of Steady Now.
