“Regardless of what genre you’re experimenting with, it’s always important to stay true to yourself & be happy with what you’re releasing into the world – never let someone tell you otherwise.”
“I feel like I was very honest with myself on this project, which is part of where the title comes from, acknowledging that I’m not the easiest person to love.”
“I mainly compose by singing and imagination. I start singing the main idea and imagining the main parts. After I know the vibe that I’m aiming for I’ll continue developing it on the piano and build the parts in Cubase.”
From childhood drumming to performing across Israel as part of a multitude of ensembles and shows for TV and even political events – Yahli has built up a unique and unrivalled reputation as a contemporary drummer.
“I would describe my sound as fast.”
“People should start building instead of destroying. Reconnecting instead of disconnecting. Striving towards peace, not war. Because, unless we do so, all that’s left is destruction and a dead world.”
Romain Axisa has built an impressive following over the years, thanks to his passionate devotion to the artform and his captivating street performances.
“I guess I can’t completely get away from my roots loving power guitar bands. Give me a Les Paul through a Marshall any day!”
“People focus more on the non-important details such as the amount of likes/ comments they have, and it can really mess with one’s mental health. It also damages the level and the deepening of many musicians in the art.”

Davey Harris “It seems like we’ve gotta please the almighty algorithm, which adds its own pressure.”
“I tend to be a lamenting person, so glamorising and dramatising the feeling of love, grief, sadness and loss is a comfort to me. Going to that place provides escapism from the rest of life that is less romantic feeling.”
Following the release of his album and a plethora of singles and videos to match, rising artist and rapper Robert Martino – otherwise known as The Young Al Capone – kindly took part in an interview. We talk all things hip hop, from inspiration to bars to live performance, and plenty that falls in between. … Continued
“What did I have to lose? I realized life is too short and unpredictable to not give it a shot. I’m so glad I did.”