To confine music to a genre, is to say – if you like one, you’ll like the other; far too simplified a method for something so complex as a human mind.

Using EQ is one of the most important processes when mixing music – it allows the tracks to ‘breathe’. This beginners guide to EQ will help explain the basics.

Which guitar is right for me? We’ve traveled past the need to explain why you should want to play guitar. The point is you do, and you need to know where to start. You’re a music fan. You’re a fan of many artists and bands, but they all play a different guitar, so – which … Continued

It’s the art of fusing creation with being sociable. The art of sharing, togetherness, peer acceptance and encouragement. It’s helping each other feel comfortable bringing that private home performance out into a trusting, safe yet public environment. And more so, it’s the art of encouraging those home performances to continue. We don’t stop making our … Continued

In my recent journey through fusing creation of music with exploration, appreciation, and writing about it; I’ve come to realise something fairly interesting. With my writing, I have a noticeable sense of fearlessness. If someone mildly (or not so) criticises my writing, I immediately want to overcome the problem; I want to improve, learn from … Continued