Monsters blends story and style in a way that’s frankly unrivalled right now. We’re in the artistic territory of early 2000s triphop and dark dance – the melodic appeal, the depth and weight of distortion and design, the conceptual detail and subtle riffs. Genre feels like a secondary aspect of what is ultimately an artistic encapsulation of mood and scene.

AlternativeElectronicProducerTrip Hop

Just seventeen years old and already carving out a classic but fresh sound as a modern producer. DJ Jan is set to close down this year’s Monster Energy Catalunya MotoGP Grand Prix, alongside a plethora of other noteworthy appearances to follow, and the sheer intensity and creative edge of TEC quite naturally highlights why.

DanceDJProducerTech House

Taking Names offers a plethora of deeply poetic, metaphorical and impressive lyrics – the sharpness and intelligence of which permits the song the worthy status of requiring you to listen more than a couple of times to grasp every idea. There are depths to the music, and as such, each time you do revisit, the music and story hit with all the more impact.

Hip HopProducerRap

CYBERSYMPHONY is ultimately a techno and trance driven track, carving out an ever-evolving soundscape while these relentless rhythms and distorted synths maintain an hypnotic loop of contemplation and rising energy. From unexpected instrumental shifts to the industrial-meets-tribal tumble of the drums during the final third, the whole thing feels like an audio movie in and of itself.


Massachusetts producer and artist J + C has released a multitude of original records over the years, culminating in the scattered launch of his latest album Traveler. We were blessed with the chance to interview Jeff, the man behind the music, to find out more about his journey, what inspires him, his technical approach, and … Continued

ElectronicaProducerProgressiveSynth Wave

Ma$terPeace is the creative behind the soundscapes, with Dre Marshall on hand to co-produce and mix the final ear-worm and timeless classic that is the completed reach of GO. For the remixes, Monica Blair features on the first, Crown and Chelsea Reject on the second, each enlisted to draw further focus to the conscious contemplations within the writing of GO.

Hip HopProducerRap