Initially reflecting on the stark contrast between adverts – one for luxury living followed by one requesting charitable support for those in poverty – The Borderline takes a universal look at the striking separation and still connection between all of us as we go about our lives.

AcousticFolk PopPopSongwriter

Beautifully crisp production blends the sublime intimacy of acoustic guitar fingerpicking with a lightly ambient RnB soundscape. Daya Midori then completes the set-up, with divinely delicate but again cleanly mixed vocals, as we fall under the enchanting spell of Rebound.

PopRnBSongwriterSoul Pop

Never confined to a single style or expectation, EONIAN write from the heart, and make music that moves and entertains in equal parts. That transparency is what gifts their music something so authentic.

PopPop RockRock

That’s something the artist forever masters, never resorting to easy rhymes or bars just for that sense of relevance or mainstream appeal, but always maintaining the essence of each story and intention throughout his long-form writing process. How Come is a fine example of precisely that quality, and hits with a catchy hook and original production to match.

Hip HopHip Hop FusionPopRap

Imagine an old-school RnB to soul-pop performance, call and response backing vocals and a long-form, meandering verse both delicate and impassioned in equal parts. Then weave in a uniquely rhythmic, almost gentle industrial backdrop, and some nostalgic synths but from a slightly different era, all leading towards a catchy and uplifting question of a hook.
