RIIIVER JORDAN crafts an audio experience of purpose and presence, with the vastly contemplative and musically enchanting album Departing The Moon.
Creative performer and artist Grey Satana recently released the latest in a string of boldly original indie hits. We caught an interview with the musician and songwriter behind the music, to find out more about the process for Ms. Satana, the journey to this point, and what the future may hopefully entail. Here’s how it … Continued
Armed with a brand new single and a full-length album in the making, genre-fusing duo Royal She kindly stopped by to talk about the roots of their sound, their journey so far, and their plans creatively for the year ahead. Here’s the conversation in full.
Need Love is modestly crafted but genuine, both in taking stylistic influence from eras past, and in representing the true value of love and unity in a time when division and difficulty seem to provide the background to much of daily life.
RnB singer and songwriter Darrell Kelley brings together the evocative depth of purposeful production, and the distinct and soulful essentials of vocal and lyrical freedom, with his uniquely engaging, unmistakable new single Drones.
alancing delicacy of style with depth of substance and occasional scorn, this track features a modern trap rhythm, and a rise and fall melody fusing emo-rap and RnB throughout a heavily confronting, gritty and unignorable story.
With a growing audience of global fans enchanted by his evocative vocals and limitless confidence as a performer, Scott Young has built a following from his original music and dance performances combined.
Nostalgic acoustic RnB with soulful harmonies and a heartfelt, scornfully honesty thread of lyricism. Kesha Lee takes things back to the bare essentials of songwriting and performance, with the naturally catchy, evocative, intimate and genuine single You Hurt Me.
Upbeat country pop with an underlying dance groove – genre-fusing songwriter Gary Louca returns to the solo realm, with a catchy new single from his impending country electro pop album.
Bryan Braning was inspired by his wife and daughters to write the songs of Rise Phoenix. The tracks read like poems in many ways, often abstract and provocative, rather than literal and detailed or following specific scenes. There’s a depth to the wonder of each song, and the music backs that up well.
That’s the key with much of Blue Julius’ songwriting – this sense of newness intertwined with that which naturally connects and soothes.
Featuring subtle vocal harmonies and a clear sense of longing and warmth carefully intertwined, Been Everywhere But Me is a profound retelling of the turmoil that inevitability comes from living a life incompatible with our authentic selves.