Retro synths and the full embrace of warming electro-pop meet with loving, uplifting sentiments and melodies as ET Boys continue their climb with Something Love.
Hip Hop
Openly dedicated towards improving awareness and understanding of mental health struggles in our society, Griegz crafted My Own Enemy after suffering from depression and indeed, sadly, losing loved ones to it.
Ambient simplicity creates a dreamlike warmth as a long-form vocal outpouring repeats a single sentiment, to romantic and intimate, hypnotic results
Everything from the quirky vocals to the clear joy in the delivery makes this a colourful summer shot that quickly drowns out the darkness of the world for a while.
Introducing a refreshingly classic take on purposeful, colourful yet soothing hip hop – Kasera elevates things to the next level creatively with an intriguing and ultimately profound Choices.
Leading with authenticity, precision, ability and purpose, fusing catchy musicalities with absolute artistry and the unbreakable soul of timeless hip hop
The nostalgic energy of this project is backed by the spinning CD of the visualiser, the crackle of the image, and the upfront clarity of the voice in the midst of a foggy, vintage production-style that quickly takes you somewhere else.
Heavy sound-design and gritty, focused lyrical outpourings – The Rxnaways recraft the style of the genre with this creative and intentional new single.
Deeply honest, personal yet relatable in its relaying of the emotions, the heartache and excitement combined that comes with summer love.
Always an act who takes the path less travelled in rap music, Stephh V keeps things interesting and musically satisfying all at once.
A loving album, hard-hitting and intimate in equal parts, with its roots firmly planted in the dreamy euphoria of EDEN but a clear thread of realness intertwined amidst that.
Capturing the essence of all that’s implied by its title, Jaydii’s brand new album Vibrant Summer sets the mood and raises the bar with ease throughout ten impeccably fresh originals.