Red Lagoon hits a little harder with each new listen. In the way that certain songs from throughout our musical history have a particular depth or thread of swagger & originality about them – Twist In My Sobriety, Wicked Game, to name just a couple – this song soon proves itself to have that same timeless quality.
Electronic Rock
Many of us are finding ourselves thinking a little more deeply on the world & our roles within it these days, this kind of music & indeed art helps in making that process feel less overwhelming – even in making you feel less alone.
Absolutely the best of his work to date – a uniquely interesting & addictive track that ticks a whole lot of boxes. The sort of song that speaks out for you or offers so much vulnerability & humanity that you can’t help but connect with it & feel what it portrays within.
Featuring a Fatboy Slim style of musical craft-work. The vibes are superb, each moment makes sense once it’s there, but never does any of this appear as the logical or usual next move – a quality you quickly come to love about Vox Eagle.
There’s something for everyone on this collection, but all in all – the full project is something to be shared & utilized at precisely this time of year. The soundtrack to your Halloween party has arrived – it’s fresh, partly familiar, frightening, and well worth taking advantage of this October.
Things vary throughout, keeping you interested & creating something genuinely artistic & dramatic before you. It’s an interesting album in a number of ways, but it’s also quite easy to simply let play – a well suited project for those late nights that seem to never end.
An interesting concept draws you over to this song – it sounds humorous at first, and strangely familiar, but the track actually evolves to be a genuinely heart felt outpouring of love, loyalty, and desperation.
Some of the most common mistakes we make in life are those which are just so naturally human but that, at the time, make us feel like we’re the only ones going that way. This song addresses issues & recurring negative thoughts in a way that makes you feel part of something, more normal perhaps; less alone.
“Every aspect of my life is somehow connected to my art or is art in itself; the way I maneuver through a capitalist society, the way I deal with obstacles, problems, losses & successes.”
3mind Blight drives with a gritty, perfectly expressive leading voice on this single Rag Doll. The sound falls somewhere between Nine Inch Nails and Rob Zombie, with a flicker of Papa Roach for good measure.
The opening vocals lay out a certain vibe, perhaps purely quirky or characterful, but the instrumentation that follows adds a partly retro partly modern minimalist rhythm and ambiance, and slowly but surely the whole thing starts to brighten up.
“It would be a good thing if just one bloke questioned why he was always being such a dick to his girlfriend and made an effort to change his behavior.”