All the more impressive with each revisit. Once again, EspeceX has managed to capture a sound that’s entirely its own thing – something like Lemon Jelly if reimagined in a cinematic modern world.

Rebecca Cullen
Always an artist with an unrelenting thirst for exploring the unknown, Souleye impresses every time, and Final Frontier absolutely follows suit. There’s a subtle old-school groove and flow to the verses, which fuses unexpectedly well with these timeless dance synths and the stop-and-start nature of the set-up.
Raw indie pop-rock with scene-by-scene storytelling and a likable groove – established Connecticut songwriter and musician Adam Lippman reflects on mismatches in romance, with Wasted.
“If someone asks if you are a God, you say yes!” – Ghostbusters
“Besides the fact that I wrote all the lyrical content, I think what binds these songs together is Daryl’s great vocal interpretations and the lively content, with both pathos and humor.”
Celebration and sorrow walk hand in hand, and rightfully so, as Black and Blue delivers one of the most fitting and memorable tributes ever to the iconic Amy Winehouse.
Imaginative instrumental guitar music gets the mind wandering to blissful new plains – established guitarist Mark Leedham blends strong grooves and hypnotic melodies, throughout Towers Of Plain.
The album as an artform, true rock as a force of undying escapism, plus lyrical sensitivity – it’s a rare combination, but Edge have captured the essence of all of this, with the superb new album Latency, Vol. 1.
London songwriter and artist Jennifer Juan brings a unique fusion of traits to modern music, as the seductive tones of First Love softly pour through the airwaves.
As an empath, clairsentient and paranormal investigator, Ash of The Ghostie Girl Podcast brings an unusual perspective and research background to this niche, and as such fuses the intricacies of storytelling with informed and insightful truths from various cultural and societal corners of the world.
Terry OBrien orchestrated and created this uniquely unexpected twist on the Podcast format. A satirical and captivating take on the 2015 – 2016 presidential election, The Divide not only pokes fun at the candidates and society at large, but does so by way of professionally-crafted original songs.
Artist manager Nuno Miguel Silva has worked with an extensive number of high-profile and independent artists and projects over the years. We caught an interview with the Portugal-based music pro, to find out more about his journey throughout this realm. Here’s how it went. * * * Hi Nuno – thank you for the interview, … Continued