The hopeful and colourful energy of the soundscape and the melody really helps create a clever contrast with any turmoil detailed in the verses – the song in full leaves a sense of possibility and motivation lingering in the room. A job well done, in more ways than one.

Rebecca Cullen
Bringing back the retro tones of a simpler time, by means of a notably organic, big-band presentation, Where is The Disco in This Town? is a single that pours through with the quickly upbeat energy and anthem-like togetherness of a Karaoke classic.
The way the acoustic guitar leads into the beat, bringing through flickers of folk, country and hip hop alike, makes it east to get into the vibe of the track; and to appreciate the creative way in which WAYAL has approached and crafted this release.
Songwriter and artist Almost Owen pays tribute and appreciation to meaningful, lasting friendships with his latest release. For those with a love for pop-rock anthems and uplifting music in general, One Lucky Man is an easy must.
Artist and songwriter KENDI consistently writes and releases music that is both emotionally driven and skillfully crafted. Her most recent offering, a stylish and quickly engaging collaboration with REDSAN, is an easy hit that offers precisely these qualities.
Jada Raquel re-lights a classic RnB style and sound with this single. Fusing a colourful and quickly recognizable soundscape and leading riff, with a freely meandering, soulful and flawless vocal line, the song rides tall on the strength of its own musicality.
Fresh from her recent EP Dragonfly, Carol LaDuke’s single of the same name is set to hit the airwaves globally on June 24th. The song is an easy stand-out from the project, a heartfelt and conceptually genuine piece of writing and music – one that introduces Carol’s style and sound in a memorable way.
Kicking off with the explosive blues-rock swagger of Killing Heroes, Initial Mass leave their mark pretty quickly on this latest album, fusing the raw rock energy of bands like The Black Keys with a more traditional, performance-based rock hook and rise-up to it.
Gorgeously cinematic guitar tones meet with folk-like story-telling and stunning harmonies on this latest EP from Night Market.
Voice Of G lays out some classic good vibes on this latest project, driving with delicate and calming instrumentals – partly organic, partly fresh and rhythmic enough to fit well amidst today’s musical landscape. On top of this, the vocal deliveries throughout A.M prove equally peaceful, quietly confident, and more than engaging enough to offer something decidedly refreshing and easy to get into.
Royal Ruckus and DJ Sean P collaborate for a recent EP release entitled Royalty Check – just one in a series of planned releases. From that first offering, Back N Effect is the second single and video to emerge, a smooth and enjoyably classic, good-vibes-orientated hip hop track, one that puts out sincere energy and optimism in a stylish, engaging way.
Bringing through a clear love for life and for hip hop in general, Hey Whatsup Hello is an easy anthem for the summer, loaded with good vibes, quirky rhymes, and a consistently rhythmic flow that works well on top of the natural bounce of the beat.