“(Tech) has lead to some talented people getting recognized who might otherwise not have been, but it’s also lead to an inundation of “talent”. So instead of seeing a newer DJ who has had to practice, invest money & time into his or her art form, we are left with DJ John & Jane Doe who own a Macbook, downloaded free beat matching software & are essentially running their iTunes playlist in front of a crowd.”
“I dropped a tab of Acid and had just received the Masters for Avenue B, so that was playing in the background. I started getting the visuals from the music.”
“Follow your heart and instinct. Master your instrument and hone the craft of songwriting. Play live as much as possible. Accept that failure, many times over, is an inevitable event on the path to success. Solve problems rather than savor them.”
“It represents the struggle we have as artists attempting to market ourselves. You always have those people that encourage you, but never give you that time of day to even listen to any of your songs to provide feedback.”
Creative electro-rockers Lie To Life are set to release their debut single in the very near future. We were gifted the opportunity to interview them about their music, their journey so far, and their hopes for the future. Here’s the conversation in full. * * * Hey – thanks for the interview, how is 2019 … Continued
“Growing up in Israel shaped a big chunk of my musical taste. I was influenced by American music, of course, but also by Israeli, Spanish and Italian music and a lot of the European music that was played on the radio when I was growing up. Then when I moved to NYC I discovered Jazz, Classic Rock and Blues… So my music became a combination of all these styles.”
“City of God is my favorite movie, I feel like I related to a couple of the characters coming from the background I’m from. When I heard that beat, it gave me that dark story-telling feel.”
“I start off by opening up a bottle of Kombucha, light an incense and get to work. I need to be at peace with a clear mind. I play some chords and and go.”
“I as a musician always strive for the best, cause that’s what really makes the difference. The best lyrics, the best melody, the best co-writer, the best producer, the best musicians to play along with, the best recording, the best mix and the best master. There are so many great talents out there, that you won’t have the slightest chance with anything less.”
“All the Woodstocks – The time before the internet. It was a clusterfuck logistically, yet memorable on so many levels with soooo many legendary artists. Music is a positive force and energy – a therapy that satisfies the soul.”
“I’m doing this for “me”, not a record deal. I’m not rolling the dice to “make it big”, so that takes away from the stress of it, and allows me to maintain the joy of making music. But I’m still pursuing an audience.”
“I’m excited to see where EDM goes from here. I still think it’s one of the areas of music where genuine innovation is still happening, and the level of production possible these days, thanks to recent improvements in software, has really reached a stage where anything is possible.”