A weekly conversational show that does exactly what it says on the tin. The hosts choose a topic & discuss their top six in a laid back, easy going manner.
A Podcast for all things uniquely creative & musical. Dan Blackwell offers some inspiring words of advice & talks about his upcoming trip to Afghanistan.
It helps to see the music world as a community, rather than something to be at war with. Connect with people, team up with people, help each other out.
The OpenScore community are bringing static sheet music into the 21st century, breathing new life into reading music – unlocking endless opportunities.
After 30 years of oppression and a ban of music under Taliban rule, Zohra are standing up to extremism by actively pursuing their passion for music.
Vibes hope to benefit music learners & enthusiasts by removing the hassle & frustration from ear training & music theory. Scheduled launch early/mid 2018.
If you’re new to recording music, if you’re a musician first & far from what people might call an audio engineer – Mixcraft 8 is a more than decent choice.
Gaining traction with it’s insightful, open discussions & great music. The independent radio show & podcast features a series of in depth conversations.
The natural chemistry the host creates within conversations means the talks often swiftly edge in the direction of unapologetic honesty & openness.
Hand programming drums that sound real can be a bit of a challenge. Here we explore the creative ways you can emulate a real drummer in your productions.
Anyone can assemble a very basic home-studio for less than $500 – in this article I’m going to run through how, with a focus on recording guitars.
Producing your own music is a huge investment of time, effort & creativity. If you’re ready to get started, here are some very basic guidelines to consider.