Piano is not an easy thing to take up, admittedly – if it was, everyone would be able to play in an instant. What it most certainly is though, is worthwhile. Being able to play an instrument such as the piano is endlessly rewarding.
Total Audio Converter is everything the name promises. At the click of a button you can convert close to any files for just about any new purpose.
Cajon drums or drum boxes have been in the spotlight for the past few decades & have a nice number of users around the world. They offer a smooth & dry sound, are easy to transport, & can be comfortable to sit on. They’ve made their way to professional & amateur percussionist’s inventories in almost all music styles. And yes, that includes hip-hop.
Calvin West is a music industry pro who has been writing, recording & producing music for many years. He creates eye-catching lyric videos for artists & bands who wish to promote their music with a necessary set of visuals that highlight & compliment their songwriting.
We thrive on adventure – curiosity drives us – we want to learn more, know more, experience more. We dream because what else is there for such a complex mind in such a complex world to do?
Stay busy, and always respond to your existing fans. Even if you’re not as good as you’d like to be – which we rarely are in the moment – document that process. Keep looking ahead. Get things done. Don’t be afraid of failure. You have to love all of this.
With our wide range of experience when it comes to learning how to play the guitar, we’ve reviewed some of the best sites for you to learn & become an expert at playing the guitar.
A new kind of digital record label who focus intently on high quality releases, streaming, and efficiency – they judge by the music alone, and they’re pushing to bring audiences the best of the best.
Rachel Seavey hosts the weekly podcast Hoardganize for those who tend to collect & hoard anything & everything to the point that we’re surrounded by unnecessary clutter.
Jake offers a lot in the way of expressive artistry. The intensity varies & in fact grows throughout – space turns to distortion, calm turns to manic, light turns to darkness. Always this progression showcases the real-time nature of performance.
Clear Groove professional record cleaner & turntable care products – a full range of accessories for Vinyl & CD. Super quick, easy & effective removal of dirt, dust & grime from deep within the grooves – leaves records shiny like new!
To be able to play a musical instrument is consistently rewarding & enhances our everyday existence incomparably. The more people we can encourage to learn to play guitar, the brighter the world will be. Fret Zealot have done an amazing job catering to a contemporary society.