Cajon drums or drum boxes have been in the spotlight for the past few decades & have a nice number of users around the world. They offer a smooth & dry sound, are easy to transport, & can be comfortable to sit on. They’ve made their way to professional & amateur percussionist’s inventories in almost all music styles. And yes, that includes hip-hop.

Calvin West is a music industry pro who has been writing, recording & producing music for many years. He creates eye-catching lyric videos for artists & bands who wish to promote their music with a necessary set of visuals that highlight & compliment their songwriting.

We thrive on adventure – curiosity drives us – we want to learn more, know more, experience more. We dream because what else is there for such a complex mind in such a complex world to do?

Stay busy, and always respond to your existing fans. Even if you’re not as good as you’d like to be – which we rarely are in the moment – document that process. Keep looking ahead. Get things done. Don’t be afraid of failure. You have to love all of this.

Jake offers a lot in the way of expressive artistry. The intensity varies & in fact grows throughout – space turns to distortion, calm turns to manic, light turns to darkness. Always this progression showcases the real-time nature of performance.