A quick look today at a quality rock track from US band After Alice. Their latest release Chump is a brilliantly written and performed song of classic rock anthem aura; fantastic production has really brought out the great tones of the layered vocal harmonies and the guitars, so the track drops between the big and the mellow with … Continued
Composer and artist Will Martins crafted the soundtrack for the movie O Céu Sobre Os Teus Ombros (The Sky Over Your Shoulders) – a project that appeared at numerous film festivals and won two renowned awards along the way.
A pretty big sounding band – big songs, good vibes, electro pop with all the best parts of indie rock thrown in. Synth style choruses reminiscent of the early days of The Killers, but a little gentler, perhaps – a more accessible lead vocal, someone you’re more inclined to feel like you know, more likely to … Continued
Something brand new to completely take your breath away today. Interstate Traffic – an alternative rock band from Indiana, offering up their debut EP If That Really is Your Name. The dedication and effort put into this project shines bright throughout; every little thing has been well thought out, practiced and placed – just where it needs … Continued
Solopsi Radio is the brand new album release by New Jersey artist Herman Martinez. Martinez is an experienced musician and song writer – a self taught multi-instrumentalist, with an impressive background in rock and experimental music. Here’s what we thought of the new release. The album opens with Phonic Chronicles; a great start, as it instantly gives you … Continued
There is something unequivocally honest and real about this EP. It feels familiar, yet nothing is quite as you’d expect. The calm and seductive introduction to Splendor & Hoax gives nothing away about what will follow. The track builds and builds with every line, instead of the usual verse to chorus layout. It fits well, and it … Continued
In keeping with our frequent discussions around the concept of Real Music, we take a little look today at a brilliantly talented musician and songwriter based in Greater Manchester, UK. Paddy O’Hare writes and performs for the most part around the North of England, but this particular year he’s traveled as far as the French Alps and Italy … Continued
An immensely impressive debut from a stand out band, hailing from the UK’s very own Burnley. It’s refreshing to hear another new act from up North that is as enthusiastic as ever about their music, yet still bringing something completely new to the game. Courtyards are definitely one to look out for. For many reasons, this … Continued
Lightly doused in influence from the likes of Kings of Leon and Pearl Jam, we were bound to fall for Highly Suspect; we weren’t quite prepared, however, for just how consumed we’d be by their music. Immensely gripping, compelling, and outright captivating. An incredible front man; the voice, the phrasing, the lyrics – quite frankly, one of … Continued
An intense and powerful indie rock band, from the UK’s very own Edinburgh. We’re talking real indie rock; passionate, loud, memorable, relevant – superb riffs throughout, well placed, and even a slight country twang every now and then from the lead guitar. A whole host of enjoyable little hits of character lie within the music of The … Continued
Something entirely incomparable. Incredibly unique, and fortunate in such a way as to have possibly the best vocalist of the past ten years. Nothing But Thieves – An irreplaceable, almost effortless band. Incredible to watch, absolute goosebumps. What’s great is that they’re clearly a close group of friends, enjoying what they do, playing great music, … Continued
Already hugely successful in their local community, Airport Impressions are an incredibly impressive band from Malta; a genuine pleasure to discover. Every track they’ve released is something warm and wonderful to listen to. It’s music to play at full volume, and they’re undoubtedly an unmissable live band. They look set to make it to the … Continued