alancing delicacy of style with depth of substance and occasional scorn, this track features a modern trap rhythm, and a rise and fall melody fusing emo-rap and RnB throughout a heavily confronting, gritty and unignorable story.
With a growing audience of global fans enchanted by his evocative vocals and limitless confidence as a performer, Scott Young has built a following from his original music and dance performances combined.
Nostalgic acoustic RnB with soulful harmonies and a heartfelt, scornfully honesty thread of lyricism. Kesha Lee takes things back to the bare essentials of songwriting and performance, with the naturally catchy, evocative, intimate and genuine single You Hurt Me.
The overall creative set-up rings loud in a similarly distinct way, the music blending the familiarity of pop with the alternative freedom of an artist whose creative pathway is clearly uninhibited, and genuinely focused on feeling and intention as it pours through the airways.
Smoothly captured acoustic guitar rhythm and breathy vocals set the mood well, as Mike Cothrine blends the melodic appeal and heartfelt sentiments of country music, with something a little more soulful in its meandering and impassioned tune.
Music to instantly remove the haste and hassle of a busy season – Fuma captures the essence of calm, with the aptly-titled, ambient, dreamy, and melodically soothing Sit Down x100.
The UK’s own Yoji blends old-school DnB vibes with blissfully soulful, meandering vocals, for a sound that’s instantly distinct, uplifting, and comfortingly nostalgic.
Dreamy old-school production rising into a fully-loaded jazz to neo-classical production – Keith Eatmon sets a smooth and engaging vibe, with the opening warmth and subsequently genre-blending journey of Jamaica.
Songwriter and creative entrepreneur JACK TITUS has travelled to over fifty countries in recent years, noting that experiencing the depth and variety of different cultures has inspired him to write music that connects in a powerful and genuine way.
Ambient melodic originality and with thousands of listeners to back up its appeal, miso808 delivers an enchanting and deeply soothing collection of tracks, with the layered harmonies and stylistic freedom of bedtime stories mp3.
Sydney songwriter and performer annelise recaptures the essence of RnB’s golden era, with the quickly catchy and distinct groove and tune of Lies.
Driving with a quirky but catchy hook, alongside a strong groove that’s unique but well rooted amidst the summertime bounce of afrobeat and dancehall, Kume launches a smooth and creative new single, in the form of the naturally memorable Whiskey.