Introducing a compelling collaborative project, an album uniting the depths of contemporary poetry with the limitless embrace of creative production. DJ Jace and R.K. Gandhi join forces to provoke and inspire, with the bold escapism and gripping topical implications of the Red Pill Rhymes Experience.

Hip HopPoetryProducerRapSpoken Word

Unity is essential, and a key aspect of Faith – this belief in something more, something bigger, and in better days. The song’s sheer optimism and minimalist approach in contrast to the complex vocal layering all helps let that sense of Faith and possibility ring loud and linger in the mind.

ComposerHymnNeo ClassicalPianoPoetry

The new EP, A Moment of Deathlessness, presents a first listen that’s captivating for its sense of cinema, its groove, its harmonies and imagery – the presentation and vibe intriguing alone for the creative depth and originality. Then to consider the poetry at its core, this whole project being a tribute to the iconic Emily Dickinson, is to appreciate the finely selected details and stories that influenced such a creative direction.

AlternativeCinematicComposerPoetPoetrySpoken Word

Beautifully complicated, profoundly poetic – Kid Anansi is one of the only albums this year that genuinely prompts a deep-dive listen and repeated sessions with the tracks. The level of thought and smart, sharp wit incorporated throughout each and every story and line is phenomenal, and the delivery is second to none. An absolute highlight from 2024 so far.

PoetrySpoken Word

Musically inspired by JS BACH and Benedetto Marcello, Minuet 5.0 features a solo piano thread descending under vocal harmonies and a softly spoken poem about children.

With words delivered again by Stephanie Rodriguez M, Minuet 5.0 repeats the word ‘children’ throughout, forever reinforcing the innocence at the heart of the writing, and thus heavily juxtaposing this innocence and love with the shattering darkness and devastation of a polluted and desperately broken world.

ComposerPianistPianoPoetrySpoken Word

This is something fearlessly original at present, and yet it’s also broadly appealing, creatively engaging, and instantly recognisable. That’s an uncommon fusion of qualities, and as such, Ivano Bersini has crafted something rather profound with Poems.
