Sisters Hailie and Jodie Sandstrom, born in 2014 and 2010 respectively, bring an unrivalled degree of youthful freedom to the genre. Their debut single and video BRB showcases a clear love for the playfulness of creative performance, with both artists delivering their best rhymes and flows throughout a bass-heavy electronic arrangement that’s both minimalist and instantly recognisable.

Hip HopPop

Always an artist with an unrelenting thirst for exploring the unknown, Souleye impresses every time, and Final Frontier absolutely follows suit. There’s a subtle old-school groove and flow to the verses, which fuses unexpectedly well with these timeless dance synths and the stop-and-start nature of the set-up.

Hip Hop

Freely bridging the gaps between hip hop and dance, between comedy and artistic identity, Mr. Riopelle crafts a floor-filler with lashings of personality, for the sexually provocative and undeniably catchy new single Top Era.

ComedyDanceHip HopPop