Inspired by the allure and adventure of the Wild West, unique creative project El Mystery Kren recently launched their iconic new album of originals The Last Train To Durango.
Country Folk
Presenting an increasingly enchanting, uplifting and memorable arrangement, You gathers momentum consistently and impressively, finding its groove amidst the brightness and embrace of Country and Americana, with an impassioned vocal delivery and chorus that naturally lingers in the mind.
These days it seems like a rare experience to stumble upon a song that feels as if it were written during a time when there was not a shallow thirst for fame driving the creative process. Songs that feel timeless, authentic and heart-warming in a manner that’s unique to the listener, are few and far between.
A fine collection of timeless songs, a real pleasure to turn up loud and let play – Refrigerate After Opening celebrates the power of music and expression in their most pure yet professional states
Arrangement matters, and March To August have set this up for an ideal audience connection – the joy of pure music, the high energy anthem, then the deeply-thoughtful, revealing and vulnerable core.