Bringing together a distinctly dreamlike array of songs driven with an emotionally connected leading voice, presenting each concept & melody in a way that really opens the music up to a string of new audiences.
The unexpectedly haunting new single from Pauline Frechette. This dark or deeply reflective jazz aura emerges, alongside of which Pauline’s emotional performance seeks to captivate & hypnotize listeners.
The story told by these notes & the varying levels of emotion beautifully highlights the feeling of this peaceful, thoughtful, reflective walk in the snow.
For what emerges as a gentle piano ballad, led by a stunning performance, supported by a simple string section – the song evolves into something mighty.
Drenched in the passion & spirit of every musician involved. As close to the live experience as possible – an unmissable collection of performances.
It’s said when you die you see a movie of your life, that’s where we start with the video. There is lots of symbolism. I’m hoping it will intrigue people.
The ambiance of professionally crafted, skillfully performed classical music comes through in a fresh & deeply personal manner, it’s wonderful to witness.
Xi Lyu is the driving force behind Black Jasmine. Her music is influenced by her Chinese heritage & her love of Western Opera. A unique fusion of cultures.
At times it feels like the beginning – a new day, a fresh start. At other times it feels unbearably like the end. An achingly beautiful album.
All at once distant & intimate. The artist’s vocal performance is gentler here than on previous recordings, though it always has a captivating softness.
The title suggests a devotion, and the music explores the feelings, the concept, and hints at the possibilities as to what the song truly represents.
The minimalist, organic sounds that provide the building blocks for the music have something very honest & real about them, it feels extremely genuine.