Creative performer and artist Grey Satana recently released the latest in a string of boldly original indie hits. We caught an interview with the musician and songwriter behind the music, to find out more about the process for Ms. Satana, the journey to this point, and what the future may hopefully entail. Here’s how it … Continued

Alt PopDance PopPopRnBSongwriter

Armed with a brand new single and a full-length album in the making, genre-fusing duo Royal She kindly stopped by to talk about the roots of their sound, their journey so far, and their plans creatively for the year ahead. Here’s the conversation in full.

Alt PopFunkHip HopPopPop PunkRap

The overall creative set-up rings loud in a similarly distinct way, the music blending the familiarity of pop with the alternative freedom of an artist whose creative pathway is clearly uninhibited, and genuinely focused on feeling and intention as it pours through the airways.

Alt PopAmbientRnBTrip Hop

December Snow follows an organic, minimalist arrangement of ambient details and finger-picked guitar, as we hear these reverb-kissed yet nearly whispered vocals, reflecting upon the snow-covered world and memories of an accidental kiss.

AcousticAlt PopChristmas

Creative composer, musician and philosopher Lauri Järvilehto highlights a broadly appealing scope of sound quite instantly, with the engaging rhythms and evocative yet retro synth choices of his album Songs About Sadness. The project is quick to redirect expectations, with the heavy tones and somewhat cinematic, sci-fi mystique of Alive With You, then quick again … Continued

Alt PopComposerEightiesElectro PopElectronicaProducerSongwriterSynth PopSynth Wave