Self-penned as electronic instrumental music, the idea with Inverted was to capture a harmonic area / modal mood in contrast with its inner movement, ‘achieved through using inversions of the chordal structure’. This stylistic approach could then artistically represent the emotional state of an individual with a multi-layered humanity about their daily experience – something relatable but ultimately very personal.

AmbientDnBDrum and BassInstrumentalProducer

Completing a highly-anticipated trio of releases from the brand new album Adagios, European composer and classical-electronic producer David Ratmoko, delivers a post-seven-minute work of art – a multi-layered, cinematic and evocative realm, which captivates from the outset and refuses to loosen its grip. Presenting in G-minor and utilising dark and emotional synths and strings, hip … Continued

ClassicalClassical ElectronicComposerNeo ClassicalProducer