Chad Earnest joins me (Rebecca Cullen) & offers his advice to upcoming bands & artists regarding graphic design & video creation. We also talk the future of rock music, Slipknot’s mighty return, the rise of hip hop & the infamous rap diss from MGK to Eminem.

If you like pop music, you will have of course been introduced to some of the finest songs humankind has composed. In our opinion, however, these are the most elite pieces of art over the rest.

Creating lyric videos as one more piece of consumable content for your band can give any single the push it needs to crest a billboard chart. Cee-Lo Green’s F**k You was given the boost it needed by a (cheaply constructed) lyric video put together at the last second by a professional marketing team using a free editor.

Everyone thinks about how cool it would be to shoot their music video in their favorite bar or club, and 9 times out of 10, they’re right. The only issue, from a corporate & legal standpoint, is that releases are 100% required from you if you ever want a deep pocket to fund the release.

At over 300 episodes deep, Stories Fables Ghostly Tales is almost certain to offer something for all fans of the darker genres & weird histories. The episodes are fascinating, fairly terrifying in many cases, but always holding tight to your interest.