Indie champion and lifelong contender for the best rock and metal vocalist (and lyricist) of the scene – 3mind Blight’s latest release Hollow maintains these connections to the alternative metal realm, but also weaves in a surprisingly mellow, bass-heavy production and vibe, for something that feels infectiously emotional as it rolls along.
This playlist is a musical anthology, inviting listeners to reflect upon the human condition through the sadly forever relevant lens of conflict and determination. It’s a fiercely focused set of stories and songs, with a boldly heartfelt undertone that feels decidedly honest and, at times, heart-breaking.
Psychedelic dark metal with a creative twist of progressive musicianship and intriguing conceptual depth – UK five-piece Hookjaw pour their heart and soul into the process, along with a sheer and superb level of musical ability.
Jake Edwards and Kid Piccolo make up the Nu-er Metal act Human I Was, a creatively poignant and conceptually provocative act, with equal parts ambient and intense layers of expression all devoted to a single story.
Established guitarist and progressive metal songwriter The Steve Klatt Project showcases the very best of his finely honed abilities and passion at the helm, with the extensive and vast new album Dreams and Reality.
Introducing a compelling fusion of genres, an explosive collaboration between the unique spiritual consciousness of rapper Souleye, and the fiercely intense new metal weight of We Are PIGS – Ghost Town is a fast-paced and fascinating original track, that manages to feel both nostalgic and unrivalled in originality.
Introducing one of those rare occasions when the artwork perfectly encapsulates the essence and style of a release. Maxim’s Whispers of the Eternal is a uniquely vast and rather epic exploration of cinematic depth, built around an idea and dramatic vocal opening, layered with soaring guitar solos and distorted chords united in this progressive and fiercely soulful instrumental.
Defiantly unique and rather fearless in bridging the gap between the most intense distorted music and the more charming softness of acoustic and melodic satisfaction, In The Chaos I Return is a fascinating project, which feels profoundly more vast than its three-track limit appears to imply.
Creating art out of trauma is a painful but ultimately therapeutic process, and if that art or music can in turn provide the same kind of solace and understanding for other victims of abuse, then its all the more rewarding. Johnny Bottos tells his story in a unique and empowering way, with the pure poetry, sheer weight, and musical precision of Crown Of Thorns.
Unexpectedly vast medieval rock and contemporary spoken vocals of increasing passion – HOLYMAMI captures a wholly unique sound and style, with the iconic Kirby.
German Nu-Metal outfit SCHUTZHUИD, known for their euphoric arrangements and collaborative approach to modern music, showcase the very best of their creative presence and power, with the iconic storytelling and intense musicality of Woodstock ’99.
To celebrate the release of his debut EP Biting The Hand That Feeds, we caught an interview with Christian Metal artist Feet in the Fire.
We talk about the inspiration for making the project, the bible stories behind the songs, and the challenges of intertwining the intensity of heavy metal with the peaceful living of Christian Faith.