Unafraid of taking full command of the audio space, Vanterra showcases his prowess as a unique and rhythmic composer for this work. The track begins with a simple back and forth from a handful of organic instruments, somewhat joyful but repetitive as the very act of mining for gold is reimagined under an intimate and enchanting light.

AmbientComposerInstrumentalNeo Classical

Impressively engaging for a new starter in production and sound-design, Don’t Do This features a timeless groove and a riff and effect-line just quirky enough to really blend the melodic and emotional tones with a clear sense of character and rising anticipation. We’re in a sort of early Fatboy Slim arena, a playful instrumental realm of sweeping synths and more clean-cut riffs alike, all separated by the opposing sections of this ongoing rhythm.

ComposerInstrumentalProducerTrip Hop