Wishing Zachary and his family a bright and wonderful future, good fortune in his ambitions to become an author, and massive congratulations for the incoming arrival of his baby girl. Finale feels like the perfect way to mark the beginning of this exciting new chapter.
An impressively modest and melodically hypnotic debut from Paul McCartney’s son James – Primrose Hill speaks volumes on behalf of an artist who has clearly found the essence of escapism that is the joy of true and uninhibited songwriting.
Somewhat mildly reminiscent of both Ani DiFranco and Rusted Root, but ultimately not adhering to either comparison for long, Follow The Crow build their sound upon feelings and reflections unique to themselves, and the brilliance of the musicianship in unison with that makes for a beautifully all-encompassing listen.
Softly stunning vocals, acoustic guitar and brilliantly unexpected lyrics blending gritty realism with heartfelt reflections – Gracie Rey impresses and connects, with the familiar yet refreshing icarus.
The UK’s own Lord Sparky England has recently launched a beautifully impassioned project called The 7 Sins. The EP delivers precisely what its title implies, seven stories and songs that each directly relate to one of each of the renowned sins.
“To keep moving forward, every day I set aside a few hours for things that are not urgent, but important. These include reading, exercise, and language study. Sometimes it is hard to squeeze it all in.”
The fullness of each track is fantastic, organic and powerful, reinforcing the theatrical, circus-like sentiments of The Carousel in a humble yet fitting way. The talent on show is unrivaled, the songs capture a level of magic that’s refreshing to immerse yourself within.
The project ultimately reflects upon the role of the self, the weight of a life learning things through turmoil and blessing combined. There’s plenty to unpack lyrically, and fortunately the beauty and character of these four tracks allows for an easy re-entry to listen to time and again.
Coinciding with his first Celtic Christmas Tour in the UK, A Celtic Christmas compiled a diverse collection of classics and reimagined them entirely in the acoustic fingerstyle and folk realm.
Just piano and voice in its entirety, the pressure is on the lyrics and delivery to keep things interesting, and Joseph Trem utterly masters this approach.
The raw stomp of Folk Rock and expressively raspy vocals enchant from the outset, as Germany’s Mino Chelly pours his heart and artistry, into It.
A captivating single and video, seemingly personal but also accessibly vague in its poetic exploration of seeking escapism from the inevitable hammer of time.
“I do not see myself as a budding star, just somebody who wants to share his songs with everybody.”