The mighty Overclock, an alternative metal act hailing from Augsburg, freshly emerge from the intense recording of their powerful new album The Fallen, to embrace an unrivalled chance to perform at one of the world’s most renowned and impactful rock and metal festivals.
Indie artists and bands of all genres, unite this coming March 23rd – A Saturday Showdown designed to deliver the very best of the local talent.
As an empath, clairsentient and paranormal investigator, Ash of The Ghostie Girl Podcast brings an unusual perspective and research background to this niche, and as such fuses the intricacies of storytelling with informed and insightful truths from various cultural and societal corners of the world.
Terry OBrien orchestrated and created this uniquely unexpected twist on the Podcast format. A satirical and captivating take on the 2015 – 2016 presidential election, The Divide not only pokes fun at the candidates and society at large, but does so by way of professionally-crafted original songs.
Despite their relatively brief tenure as a band, The Smiths’ impact on the music world is immeasurable. Their legacy lives on not only through their discography but in the countless artists they have influenced.
From conservative Christian values throughout government failings, war, corruption, media and more, all by way of in depth discussions and often interviews with front-line pros in each topic, The Big Mig Show is a refreshingly nostalgic old-school radio-style podcast, with a defiant desire to keep things real and fearlessly honest as an outlet. Their goal is simple, to educate and unify the country one episode at a time.
Seasoned showman Jacob Herr presents the heartwarming and whimsical Valentines Day event Showbiz Love for The Underdog – a musical theatre song revue, promising stories of romance and resilience across an eclectic array of classic ballads and show-stopping hits from Broadway’s most beloved repertoire.
Exploring the great unknown, stepping outside of the comfort zone – the Real n Uncomfortable Podcast is a no-holds-barred independent podcast that seeks to uncover the secrets that lead to true greatness.
Chaz Langley’s willingness to be completely candid is hugely valuable, and shines with particular brightness in his talks on fatherhood, relationships, and respect.
UK-based and the perfect accompaniment for your first years in higher education, Life Support: The Student Survival Podcast is already nine episodes deep, and has covered topics like Surviving: Results Day, Freshers Week, and Making Friends.
The Crusty Canuck Podcast is an ideal choice for those who’ve seen a little more of the real world, or who simply want to hear a less panicked or less manipulatively orchestrated version of current events.
Figure collectors & classic toy fans unite – Introducing the very first of its kind in this region; Figure Kollectorz is a brand new UK Toy Convention set to light up the Bolton Stadium Hotel this coming March 30th.