Always a master of capturing the precise moment and energy implied by a composition’s title, Ltronnika’s latest offering becomes something else entirely once you let the music rain down amidst thoughts of the Island Breeze that inspired it.
“The last thing I would ever want to do is write soul-less music – the track must take the listener somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a big rollercoaster of a ride, but even if it just transports them somewhere else for a few minutes or evokes an emotional connection, then in my mind, job’s done.”
A magical listening experience that will change your entire outlook if you let it. It’s like a series of films, but your mind creates the visuals in response to the audio stimuli.
There are journeys within each of these compositions, and the details and pauses, the weight contrasted by the lightness, all adds to the experience – helping make this entire album no less than a dream to lose yourself within.
This entire experience is the sort that can aid the listener with deep meditation or calm – a lyric-free environment, layered with subtle intricacies and effects that take you out into the world and simultaneously further within yourself as they fill the space around you.