This is genuinely one of the most likable, engaging and rather addictive alternative rock EPs to hit the scene in recent years. Smokedown master the space within which the music exists, not just playing for themselves, nor simply for you, but creating something that feels both comforting in its groove and persistence, and completely unexpected in both topic and tenacity.
Progressive Rock
Long-time musician and songwriter Paul Maged ignites a sense of artistic legacy, bringing together the pace and energy of pop-punk with a progressive rock thread of musicality and lyricism. His five-track EP Crossroads proceeds to explore the depths of modern life and war amidst a melodic, awakening background.
Cincinnati alternative rock project Bio Borg intertwines the pace and riff-strong embrace of progressive metal, with raspy punk vocals and echoing sentiments, throughout a chaotic and cinematic yet compelling arrangement.
Somewhat akin to the likes of the indie rock emergence of two decades ago, the vocal lead for this Faithful Tragedy single feels mildly reminiscent of Pete Doherty, a kind of tired, dreary but evocative and delicate approach, with just enough grit to feel genuinely consumed by this sense of missing someone.
Established guitarist and progressive metal songwriter The Steve Klatt Project showcases the very best of his finely honed abilities and passion at the helm, with the extensive and vast new album Dreams and Reality.
An anthem at its core, a call for listeners to scream out the word and concept of Liberty – this is a song that encapsulates the modern day frustrations and lingering hopes of those experiencing repression. As such, it’s boldly relevant in our world right now, universal in its poetry and its intricate balancing of the uncertain and the confident and hopeful.
Introducing one of those rare occasions when the artwork perfectly encapsulates the essence and style of a release. Maxim’s Whispers of the Eternal is a uniquely vast and rather epic exploration of cinematic depth, built around an idea and dramatic vocal opening, layered with soaring guitar solos and distorted chords united in this progressive and fiercely soulful instrumental.
The Touch Of Time is conceptual by nature, but entirely free from lyrics – gifting listeners their own unique experience and escapism as they delve into these melodic and intense to euphoric compositions.
Known for their purely improvised albums, the self-defined instrumental cult Mycena are a Croatian collaborative project with four albums already to their name. Their approach is to fearlessly push the boundaries of musical expression, to find new flavours of psychedelic intensity and depth, and to limit nothing and no one during that process.
Atlanta progressive rock outfit Coda Nova are slowly but surely building a unique name for themselves in modern alternative music. Their latest release works well to secure that progress, both by defying expectation and outright showcasing the ability, precision and soul at the heart of their music.
Conceptually devoted to the turmoil of poor mental health, Listen To Me proceeds to detail our protagonist’s struggle with self and the desire to escape from the weight of uncertainty, isolation and pain.
Circling back a little for an impressively timeless collection of tracks, Colorado rock project Lion Drome delivered an unexpectedly epic and raw debut album, in 2014 – the mighty and mesmeric Curve Of The Earth.