Conceptually deep and provocative by nature, there’s more to love about Abstract with each re-listen. The production and melody create a shoulder-swaying groove that’s a pleasure to let play, but then on closer inspection, the lyrics prompt you to become inescapably aware of the fragility of life and the inevitable passing of time.
Indie Pop
Piano-led indie pop and breathy vocals depict a contemporary sense of influence amidst a poetic and personal style of writing. Argentinian artist Pilar Victoria, now based in Texas, rises up from intimate and acoustic to anthemic and bold, with the increasingly likable single Headphones.
Colourful and retro production sets a disco-kissed realm that’s merely a small introduction to an artist fiercely unconfined by genre or expectation. sykii lights up the uniquely melodic and vocally distinct project Blaze with unrivalled eclecticism and freedom of expression.
Dreamy surf-rock of strong riffs and a fuzzy overtone – indie-pop quintet Trespasser bring together catchy tunes and strong grooves, for the likes of their increasingly enjoyable single Man.
An explosive anthem from the helm of a multi-instrumentalist with a clear passion for great songwriting. Drummer and artist Marlhy explores and celebrates the highs, lows, and unique beauty of youth, with the infectious indie rock single Young and Naive.
Chemically infectious as a classic indie anthem, established London songwriter Hugo Brijs gets the combination of elements just right, for the unforgettable new single Creeper.
Kyle Jaymes is unmistakable as an artist, and refreshingly authentic and humble at the very same time. His songwriting and musicianship consistently promise versatility from one track to the next, but always that central voice, in lyric, structure and tone, remains distinctive.
Dreamy surf-rock akin to shoegaze but with a blissful clarity – Alice Asara brings together instrumental prowess and soulful, poetic songwriting, for the impressively creative EP SLEEPLESS.
Nostalgic indie pop with a deeply moving undertone; delicate vocals, vulnerability and acoustic purity at its core – Emilia Vaughn impresses, with the intimacy and heartbreaking revelations of Skeleton.
We never forget those who impacted our lives, and in never forgetting, and cherishing what they gave and taught us, we keep them alive and a part of our every day lives.
I’m remined of the words Ernest Hemingway famously wrote – “Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground, and the last time someone says his name. In some ways, men can be immortal.”
Pairing electric guitar and programmed drums with reverb-soaked vocals and poetic images of a ‘wild village, unruly town’, New York Sound is subtle, even minimalist, yet still creates an immersive vastness in its melodic and rhythmic embrace.
The live and fairly raw sound of authentic indie songwriting captures attention from the outset, as Katie Brown releases her latest poetic outpouring, in the form of the melodically enchanting and imagery-laden Insomnia.