Over the past 24 months we’ve covered a superb amount of producers who are pushing the limits of creativity – crafting unique, expressive, hard hitting soundscapes. Narrowing it down to ten wasn’t easy, so consider this part one.
Our final playlist of the month to round up January’s music, this one goes out with a bang – a strong selection of songs from bands & artists well worth discovering.
Ten highly recommended artists & bands flying the flag high for Americana Music – Blues Rock, Folk Rock, Country, and everything in between. Infectious & impressive musicianship, vibrant energy, and powerful, memorable songs.
When it comes to success, many artists’ are judged by & compared to the fame & popularity of bands like The Beatles. Given that they dominated the global music scene without social media, it begs the question as to whether or not modern artists could ever replicate their success.
In the heart of Bolivia, at Teatro Nuna Espacio Arte, the La Paz Blast Festival delivered a memorable night this past December 20th, 2017, largely thanks to Valeria Peñaranda and her band, Amalgama.
The Balcony was created to help promote local musicians & artists. Their goal is to give these artists a platform to be heard. The episodes feature a good balance music & chat, so you get to familiarise yourself with the people behind the playlists, which makes a big difference.
To help you wind down after the first week back to reality, a playlist of songs with a warm vibe, from artists, bands & producers discovered across the Stereo Stickman Platform.
Rebecca Cullen hosts the third episode of Stickman Sessions, first in the series for the Listening Booth – featuring a playlist of under the radar artists.
Second in the series for Creatively Fresh. Ten Hip Hop artists who are doing something a little bit different, doing it well, and doing it with style.
Sing the weather forecast. Sing the reasons you’re procrastinating. Sing the thing you’ve always wanted to do. Sing your Facebook feed.
The first in the Creatively Fresh series. Ten rock bands you probably haven’t heard yet, but absolutely should. The very best in independent music releases.
If you’re serious about making music & pursuing it as a career – your brand is your ticket to being heard. Visual imagery is where it all begins. Be smart.