Rebecca Cullen hosts the third episode of Stickman Sessions, first in the series for the Listening Booth – featuring a playlist of under the radar artists.

Stereo Stickman
Second in the series for Creatively Fresh. Ten Hip Hop artists who are doing something a little bit different, doing it well, and doing it with style.
A must-have plugin for home producers & musicians. The control it gives you takes away so much of the complex hassle of mixing & mastering.
Sing the weather forecast. Sing the reasons you’re procrastinating. Sing the thing you’ve always wanted to do. Sing your Facebook feed.
In the past, recording music wirelessly has come with assumptions that the sound quality is lowered. The quality provided by the iSolo Pickup is immaculate.
The first in the Creatively Fresh series. Ten rock bands you probably haven’t heard yet, but absolutely should. The very best in independent music releases.
If you’re serious about making music & pursuing it as a career – your brand is your ticket to being heard. Visual imagery is where it all begins. Be smart.
“There’s an unwillingness to be critical about music on YouTube because the technology punishes you for it. I’m hoping I’ll eventually find my audience.”
It helps to see the music world as a community, rather than something to be at war with. Connect with people, team up with people, help each other out.
Raising the profile for the Newhaven Fort – the unique landmark will provide a never before seen backdrop to a must attend boutique music festival.
The OpenScore community are bringing static sheet music into the 21st century, breathing new life into reading music – unlocking endless opportunities.
Vibes hope to benefit music learners & enthusiasts by removing the hassle & frustration from ear training & music theory. Scheduled launch early/mid 2018.