Be Creative Without Concern In a high energy and fast paced world, amidst an ever growing ocean of people and possibilities, it can seem completely unnatural and unproductive to simply stop and sit and learn to create something. In order to get ahead, to become a successful person, to have a life worth living; we … Continued
Music is a fucking magical part of life. It transcends labels & backgrounds. It doesn’t give a shit where we’re from. It hits like a third shot of whiskey.
After 30 years of oppression and a ban of music under Taliban rule, Zohra are standing up to extremism by actively pursuing their passion for music.
That’s the beauty of the independent music world. The quality of music, the caliber of musician & the creative freedom is at an all time high.
We have to accept the broken parts of life, otherwise we’re not really creating within the real world; we’re attempting to satisfy somebody else’s fantasy.
30 of the most important, or most common, reasons why we (the music makers) make music. Join the conversation.