Searching For Colors is a feel-good project on the surface, but it’s also musically masterful, thoughtful and intentional in its direction, and undoubtedly highlights the very best of our generation’s instrumental prowess and potential in reclaiming the prestigious corners of timeless music.
The work feels devoted to its story, this prolonged melodic venture of changing emotions – rather than simply a showcase of the quickness and skill of a pianist. That approach is rare these days, and allows the album to ignite its rightful spark within the first few moments of listening.
Impressively interconnected with its own conceptual implications, A Passing Memory breathes life into the room for only a few moments – a passing memory encapsulated in the delicacy, the vintage crackle, the unfinished nature of the phrase.
Aviram Spies ensures the connection between title and experience. A work that perfectly encapsulates the implications of its name – On The Edge of an Endless Forest takes you to precisely the purity and vastness promised. The sound is that of a nostalgic movie-made classical realm, familiar but unpredictable, and softly spellbinding to let play and surround you.
Something different – that word we’re always searching for without really knowing what will satisfy it. Enter TK 390, with an intoxicatingly fast-paced classical piano piece, which proves as brief as it is striking and memorable in impact.
Lifelong pianist and devoted, evocative composer Ori Baruch brings purity and purpose to modern music, with the stylistically minimalist yet emotively complex sound of Solitude.
Featuring cascading layers of organic musicianship, progressing from delicacy and calm through distortion and breathtaking pace, Miserlou showcases a defiant passion for the process of audio storytelling.
“I believe it is a crucial step for every musician, to pass the passion and knowledge on to future generations.”
Most everyone is going to be new to my music compositions because I have not published them until now. The music I compose is Spiritual as it is written in Ephesians 5:19-20.
Extending its warmth and wonder by way of cultural and musical vastness and connection, SPRUCE RITUAL: THE WAY THE EVENING SPEAKS is a wonderfully original, musically masterful and evocative album.
“I was able to develop my music in a way that pleased me and provided me with what I had been missing for years: intimacy, openness, and fidelity in the sounds of music.”
Steve’s connection to classical instrumentation and the complexities that lie within that has evolved exponentially.